Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Container Manufacturing Plant in Transient State


In the present work, time dependent availability of a mechanical system i.e., container manufacturing plant is estimated. Here, Mathematical modeling has been developed on the basis of Markov birth-death process using probabilistic approach. The first order governing equations thus formulated using the mnemonic rule is solved to estimate the availability of the system in the transient state. The failure rates and the repair rates of the subsystems are taken constant. Matrix method has been applied to calculate transient state availability of the system up to desired decimal places. The time dependent availability is shown with the help of graph and the parameter MTTF is obtained. Correlation and regression coefficients between time and availability have been computed to study the variation between time and availability. The results obtained in the present work are considered to be very useful for taking all maintenance decisions associated with container manufacturing plant.

Zaidi, Z. (2014). Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Container Manufacturing Plant in Transient State . Journal of Qassim University for Science, 7(2), 115–127. Retrieved from
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