Indoor Radon Concentrations and Effective Dose Rates Estimation in Workplaces at Princess Nourah Bint AbdulRahman University


The main goal of the research was to mesure the Radon (222Rn) concentration at indoor workplaces in different Colleges of Princess Nourah Bint Abdualrahman University (PNU), North of Riyadh, KSA, to estimate the effective dose to the worker from 222Rn and its progeny. Measuerments were carried out for 105 workplaces by using a passive integrating ionization system with an E-perm® Electret ion champer technique. Radon concentrations measured in ground, first and second floors of workplaces. Also, the measurements have done in Winter and Summer seasons. For all measurements, Radon concentrations followed a log-normal distribution with an arithmetic mean of 27.86 ± 4.39 Bq/m3 . The effective dose rates from inhalation of radon and its decay products were estimated with a mean of 0.19 mSv/y. There was some variation found between Summer and Winter measuerments, however, radon concentrations measured in Ground floors were significantly higher than those measured in the first and second floors. The results were found to be within the reference levels recommended by WHO of 100 Bq.m -3.

Al-Mugren, K. (2015). Indoor Radon Concentrations and Effective Dose Rates Estimation in Workplaces at Princess Nourah Bint AbdulRahman University. Journal of Qassim University for Science, 8(2), 167–181. Retrieved from
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