Solar Mini-grids for Sudan Rural Areas: Case Study, Arquit Village


The objective of this work is to evaluate the potential of alternative energy technologies to increase electricity access in rural areas of Sudan . one of these alternative energy technologies is renewable energy mini-grids. One of the rural areas in Sudan is Arquit village, Sinkat area, Red Sea state; we suggest building 7.5 MW solar system mini-grids at Arquit village. In Arquit village, the maximum and minimum electricity production from solar energy are expected during March, and December respectively. In Summer the days are longer for solar electricity production, while in the winter months, October to February, production of solar electricity does not take place after 5 a.m. Therefore, energy storage is needed to fill the gap in supply during the summer and winter months or use wind energy for electricity production

Ibrahimi*, N. ., Abdelgadir, R., & ALI, R. (2017). Solar Mini-grids for Sudan Rural Areas: Case Study, Arquit Village . Journal of Qassim University for Science, 10(2), 95–103. Retrieved from
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