Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and other related radiation quantities in white rice from different countries consumed in Qassim, Saudi Arabia

Khalda T. Osman et al


Measuring the concentration of radioactivity in rice is important in order to determine the exposure of people to radiation from radionuclides in nature while eating their usual food. All types of foods, including rice, contain a detectable amount of natural radioactivity that is transmitted, respectively, to humans through food. The current study focused on measuring the radionuclide concentration of radium 226Ra, thorium 232Th and potassium 40K of white rice consumed in the Qassim markets in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for five countries (America, Egypt, Thailand, India and Vietnam) using the NaI (TL) gamma ray spectrometer. Also, the absorbed dose of the samples under study was calculated, as well as their radium equivalent. Also, the radiation accompanying parameters for the radiological hazard indicators were calculated in order to know if the values ​​were appropriate for the internationally determined results.

Osman , K. T. (2022). Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and other related radiation quantities in white rice from different countries consumed in Qassim, Saudi Arabia: Khalda T. Osman et al. Journal of Qassim University for Science, 14(1), 16–25. Retrieved from
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