Performance study of silicone and acrylic chemical resin binders on color fastness, colorimetric and drape propriety of cotton fabric dyed with thermochromic pigments.


The present research highlights the use of thermochromic dye via two different processes applied on cotton fabrics. Two different chemical binders, silicone and acrylic resins were investigated and their influence on mechanical characteristics and colorimetric behavior was studied. Comparison of the two used chemical binders was made and varied results were obtained revealing significant differences and clear influence in dyeing performance via the evaluation of color strength and the different colorimetric coordinates after the thermochromic dye application under the same condition (dye concentration, binder rate, thermo-fixation time and temperature). In addition, the two tested binders revealed varied influences on handle, color fastness and mechanical properties of dyed fabrics. Knowing the importance of dyeing with thermochromic pigments allowing functional and smart textiles, the selection of appropriate and efficient binder could improve an effective application of these dyes in various medical, protection, and environmental fields

Ammar, C. (2022). Performance study of silicone and acrylic chemical resin binders on color fastness, colorimetric and drape propriety of cotton fabric dyed with thermochromic pigments. Journal of Qassim University for Science, 15, 01–15. Retrieved from
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