Meznah S. On the origin of a longitudinal force

Meznah et al.


Inertial effects arising from the electron mass are investigated. A longitudinal force is
generated when a large current is passed in a wire. Because of this force, an additional
magnetic field due to the electron mass is generated along the wire axis. When a huge current
is applied to the wire, the wire explodes giving off its magnetic energy as heat and light.
Massive electrodynamics is studied which allows the presence of magnetic charges
(monopoles). The exploding force on a wire could also result from disintegrating the magnetic


Inertia, Kinetic self-inductance, Quantum inductance, Quantum magnetic flux
Alsindi, M., & Arbab, A. (2022). Meznah S. On the origin of a longitudinal force: Meznah et al. Journal of Qassim University for Science, 15, 68–77. Retrieved from
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