Biochemical Characterization of α-Amylase Inhibitor Extracted from Saussurea Costus


A wide variety of diseases can be treated effectively and safely with many plant-based remedies. In the current study, Saussurea Costus was considered due to its medicinal benefits. The main objective of the current study was enzymatic characterization of a potent proteinaceous amylase inhibitor from Saussurea Costus. The α-amylase inhibitor was aqueous extracted (with an inhibitory activity of 80%). The optimum activity was observed at pH 7 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at 80°C. Thermal stability was notably significant, with inhibitory activity maintained at up to 80% after 6 h of incubation at 100°C. The fact that the Saussurea Costus amylase inhibitor seems to have the greatest affinity for human salivary and pancreatic -amylase is indicative of the action of the current purified inhibitor against amylase derived from various sources.

Keywords: Biochemical Characterization, α-Amylase Inhibitor, Saussurea Costus, Hypoglycemic.

ALHMDI, T., & M. N. Ben-Abdelmalek, I. . (2024). Biochemical Characterization of α-Amylase Inhibitor Extracted from Saussurea Costus. Journal of Qassim University for Science, 2(2), 1–16. Retrieved from
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